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Off With The Fairies – Dad Joke Friday

Any parent is familiar with this scenario.

For example, imagine the following situation. After a long time cleaning the kitchen, someone came and messed up the sink again. Or maybe you just made every effort to clean the floor and the hallways already have new muddy footprints. Or when you go to the fridge and refresh yourself with a cool drink, your drink container is almost empty because no one wants to fill it up.

You understand the point. Things happen around the house, and as a result, you call out who the culprit of the crime is.

And what happened? In general, nine out of ten don’t want to own it.

Oh right. And those damn fairies, aren’t they?

Who else has a house full of fairies? Sometimes our homes can be full of doing all kinds of exploitation. And it doesn’t matter if your kids are young toddlers or older teens. Fairies performing tasks suitable for all ages. Trust me. With all the pranks these elves play (from floor spills to broken cups, and everything in between), these working horses can sometimes run away from their paws.

Unfortunately, I couldn’t use the excuse of having fairies in my house when I was a kid. Because he spent most of his childhood at home as the only daughter.

Damn it…

But isn’t it interesting that fairies seem to magically appear when a family has more than one child? They are no longer the legendary “sock fairies”. They do so much work now, so I sometimes wonder if they have time to finish all of them.

In fact, this common problem experienced by many families is just the tip of the iceberg.

It seems it’s part of human nature that we don’t want to admit when we’re wrong. Yes?

I’ve found that quite a few psychologists have written about why people are reluctant to admit when they make a mistake. It’s all about their fragile egos and fragile self-worth. Yes… it’s all good. I truly believe that acknowledging your faults is one of the greatest qualities that can define us. It should never be viewed as a weakness, and it is the power that makes a good person.

But with every word and completion you have to ask a question. Why can’t these elves do more at home?

Wouldn’t it be great if these fairies could add the next item to their to-do list? All housework, all laundry, all groceries, all cooking. I wonder if they can also sit down and help the kids with their homework.

Wouldn’t it be nice if they could pay all the bills? (With your own salary, of course!)

So our parents wouldn’t have to admit our own parenting failures, would they?


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