Known Artists from Florida nelap created a rug inspired by certain scenes of Tom and Jerry. His flat tom rugs have gone viral on social media and are now available on: Amazon, Etsy, and ali express For anyone interested in upgrading the stairs.

Flat Tom Stair Rug.

The rug features Tom lying flat on the stairs, as if the author was able to replicate the exact scenario unfolded in the series. “This Tom and Jerry rug was inspired by the original cartoon,” Nelap wrote on his Twitter account. Nellaf’s rug idea went viral and earned a million likes on social media. The comment box was also filled with all kinds of replies. “Sometimes everything comes together perfectly,” said one Twitter user. A few others have posted scenes of Tom and Jerry, asking the artist to make more rugs inspired by the characters.

Flat tom rugs.Flat tom rugs.Flat tom rugs.

If you want to spend your hard-earned money on these weird things, try this rug. Amazon, Etsy, or ali express.